Family Business Performance Center Testimonials
Mom – How Coach Helped Me Win
One of Coach Pete’s long-time clients discusses the challenges she’s had in her family business and how Coach Pete’s expertise helped transition business leaders out of the business to make room for the new successor.
They also discuss how Coach Pete helped all the members of the family business communicate more effectively as a team!
Brother – How Coach Helped Us Win
Coach Pete’s friend and client discusses what brought him to family-run business coaching, and how it has been helpful.
Coach Pete came in to this family business to help with the succession planning process. He helped navigate through some “tricky waters” with many different personality styles in the family business.
Pete’s client talks about how Coach Pete has a real ability to “hold the room together” even during difficult conversations.
“I have appreciated your ability to stay neutral and supportive, while we worked through breaking old behaviors and replacing them with new patterns of thinking and acting as a team. Your objectivity and commitment to our executive team has given us great insight to our destructive behaviors and a renewed optimism for the future. Perfect Practice makes Perfect Play.”
Brother, Partner in 4th Generation Real Estate Development Business
“Thank you for your assistance with the transition between my father and me in our business. Sorry I tried to fire you a couple of times in that first 60 days! Thanks for not giving up on me. I know the coaching has made a difference and is a big part of why this transition went so smoothly and quickly! As you know, we hardly ever see Dad around here anymore!”