Coach Pete discusses minimizing sibling rivalry in family business.
Sibling rivalries seem almost unavoidable in any family business scenario. They can occur in the traditional sibling sense, or even between cousins, long-time coworkers, etc. These sibling-type rivalries can be damaging or even lethal to a family business.
Firstly, we need to have an enhanced awareness of rivalries in the family business. It is also necessary to explore exactly which areas of the business are being affected by these rivalries. Finally, it’s important to make a real commitment to minimize sibling or sibling-type rivalries in your family business.
In this video, Coach Pete asks the important questions we need to evaluate to assess sibling rivalry situations. For example: how are these rivalries hurting the business? Why are we wasting energy on these negative feelings and interactions? What if that energy was used to beat the competitors instead of siblings within the business?
Mastering the issue of sibling rivalries takes ongoing, long-term attention. It does not happen overnight. Coach Pete urges you to start using this deliberate practice and as always, play to your potential!