Human beings are fragile and complicated creatures. Left to their own devices they can make relationships and interactions more complicated than they need to be.
What if success in work-life and relationships was as simple as mastering six foundational communication skills? Would you take the time to master those skills?
Remember even the most elite athletes and musical performers need to continue to practice if they want to perform at a high level.
I really believe when you look at the breakdowns, complications and drama that happen in work and personal relationships, we could trace it back to developing these six skills:
- Learn how to say what you need in a way that builds relationships
- Learn how to listen deeply, and mirror back
- Learn how to manage your emotions, tone and body language
- Learn how to be consistent — there’s nothing worse than being unpredictable
- Learn how to deliver and receive both praise and constructive feedback
- Create open-minded dialogue and curiosity with others
If you or your team would like to see a super short video with Coach Pete explaining the six skills in a little more detail, watch the video here.
This week I want to challenge you to pick just ONE of these six skills that you would like to improve upon. Get good at simply “noticing” yourself in action so you can continue to improve your performance.
Play to your potential!
Pete Walsh is a demanding, courageous and playful Master Certified Coach in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the founder of Peak Workout Business Coaching and the Family Business Performance Center. Check out Coach Pete’s free tools: the Family Business Landmine Detection Map and the Family Business Survival Kit. He can be reached at