From Tracy in San Diego Hi Coach, I want to give my brother’s feedback about his performance in the business but I’m not sure how to go about it.
My brother is lazy but thinks he’s the hardest worker in the company. What can I do?
From Phil in Sacramento Dear Coach– my brother acts like he’s the hardest working guy in our business but the truth of the matter is he’s one of the laziest people in our business. I’m not sure where he gets his reality but I work much harder than he does, and really resent the fact […]
My older brother is always acting like the boss even though he isn’t. What can I do?
From Tony in Minnesota Dear Coach, I’ve had it with my oldest brother acting like he’s the boss in the business just because he’s our oldest brother in the family. Any ideas what I should do?
My brother is driving me crazy. What should I do?
From Robert in Santa Cruz Dear Coach- my brother’s driving me crazy in our business and I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?