From Mike in Huntington Beach, California
I work with my father and sister and brother-in-law. I’m concerned that we have different visions for the future of the company and I’m not sure what to do about it. It’s leaving me with the sense of anxiety and unrest. Any ideas?
Good question Mike! One of the most popular practices we recommend is an annual family retreat where family members can explore and develop a common future vision for the company. You should trust your anxiety and do something about it. It’s okay that people have different ideas and visions but the important thing is to create a venue in which you can all sit down and discuss it. He probably is really good at running your business but you may not be good at facilitating vision conversations. I strongly encourage you to get a facilitator to help you with the process and be a neutral voice in the room. You’ll be surprised that many times your visions aren’t that far off and taking everyone’s perspective usually creates the best vision and certainly the vision with the most buy in. Good luck!