Curious if you have what it takes to lead an organization? You also need to know the other side of the coin and be aware of the signs of a poor leader.
You can find loads of information on what makes a great leader. But have you ever thought about what makes a poor leader? You know, that one you worked for? What about them made them a poor leader?
Here are 7 signs that might raise red flags you’re a poor leader:
- Leaders who cannot embrace change are likely to be stuck in a rut. They rule by the same old way.
- They lack empathy for others. They can’t put themselves in another person’s shoes and see things from a different perspective.
- The leader who simply orders others around won’t create loyalty or make those under their leadership feel empowered. Being bossy is not a sign of a good boss.
- Being wishy-washy when it comes to making decisions indicates a lack of self-confidence. Those under you will pick up on this quickly and lose confidence in your ability to lead them.
- Being a poor judge of character is a poor leadership trait. If you have a blind spot when it comes to your family or coworkers and make excuses or can’t see their true character, it gives others the impression of you being unfair and single-minded.
- A lack of balance between your personal and business life can lead to burnout and signal you may make unreasonable demands on the family team.
- Not having any humility is a sign of a poor leader. Micro-managers who act as if they can do it all or are the only one who can do it right won’t inspire others to follow their lead.
Having one of these attributes will not automatically make you a poor leader. You can beat any of these habits and build better skills to be an effective leader. The point is that if you have more than one or two traits on this list, you might not be ready to lead others yet. Work on changing them and improving yourself first.
Family Business Coaching System
At Family Business Performance Center we’ve developed and tested a series of simple exercises that will help make sure your family is exploring the critical topics and building the skills that lead to long-term success for your family and your business! The system is designed so it can be tailored to meet your family’s unique circumstances.
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