Family Business is complicated. I met another family this week who has a very successful 100-year-old business and a huge amount of tension and frustration that is tearing the family apart.
It shouldn’t be this way. The business should be a source of family health and security.
They need a new perspective.
In coaching we teach people how to “take a different view” of their situation. Learning to find the right perspective and mindset takes practice. Like any other skill, you have to commit to doing the reps to build the muscle.
Let me give you an example. I came upon an accident on the freeway this morning that caused a 10-minute delay. My first reaction might have been anger and frustration about the delay and its impact on me. Instead I took the perspective, “Thankfully I wasn’t involved in the accident and all the time and pain that would have caused.”
New mindset, new attitude of appreciation. Get the idea? You would be amazed how your mindset will impact your ability to either enjoy something or have it be a miserable experience.
Back to life in the family business.
Ask yourself the following questions in order find a new perspective:
- How would leaving the business impact my financial stability or security?
- What is it costing me to continue to be angry about my family situation?
- What impact is this having on my physical and emotional health?
- What would become available to me if I could learn to let go of the anger and disappointment?
- What impact will that have on myself and those closest around me if I found a new perspective?
- What would happen if I could learn to forgive my family members for their shortcomings and bad behavior?
- What would happen if I can forgive myself for all my shortcomings and bad behavior?
- What are all the positive benefits I’m getting by being involved in my family business?
- How easily can I replace the income and financial security I have here?
Start practicing getting a new perspective. If you can’t — then find a new job.
Life is short. You owe it yourself and those around you to figure this out. It’s not as hard as you think.
Family business is not for the faint of heart. FINDING PERSPECTIVE & PEACE is one the “All Star” skills in my 50 Skills Assessment. Email me and I’ll send you a free copy to use with your family.
Pete Walsh is a demanding, courageous and playful Master Coach in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the founder of Peak Workout Business Coaching and the Family Business Performance Center. He can be reached at