Family Business Passion
If you want to succeed in the family business, you’d better be extremely passionate about it!
Being in a family business can be extremely difficult. Therefore, that’s why passion is such an important ingredient.
You have to love it so much that you’re willing to go through the pain to make it all work out.
Most first-generation family businesses have a founder who is extremely passionate about the business. The business is almost like his or her baby.
As the family and the business grows, older, new generations enter the business that may or may not have a passion for the business. Allowing family members to work in the family business without being passionate about it is a disservice to the business, the family and the individual.
Sometimes someone can work in a family business and lose their passion for it somewhere along the way. In that case it’s important to get reconnected to your passion.
Ask Questions
As we facilitate family meetings, we ask family members to answer the following questions openly and honestly with each other:
- Are you truly passionate about this business?
- If not, is there anything you need to do to either ignite some passion or reignite your passion about this business?
- If you’re not passionate about the business, what impact do you think that’s having on you and the business?
- What obstacles are getting in the way of you finding more passion in the business?
- What do you need from family members or the business to find more passion?
- Is it okay in the family if someone is not passionate about the business to be able to leave the business without damaging the business or the family relationships?
- What are the 1 – 3 specific actions you can take to better understand and explore your passions either in the business or outside of the business?
In addition, invite every family member to answer these questions in a safe and supportive setting.
Be a Leader
In conclusion, working in the family business can be a very intense endeavor. Make sure you are passionate about it before you jump in. Be a leader and encourage others to find passion in the business or find a new job!
Pete Walsh is a demanding, courageous and playful Master Coach in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the founder of Peak Workout Business Coaching and the Family Business Performance Center. He can be reached at