I was recently reading Robert Kegan’s new book, The Everyone Culture, and hearing him speak about a new kind of income for companies–the income of personal happiness and satisfaction.
Kegan makes a very interesting point–if we can start to recognize that personal happiness and satisfaction is one of the key results we’re trying to deliver in business, imagine what will happen to the business’s results when you have a company full of people that are personally happy!
I thought what a great inspirational, monumental stretch goal for all of us that are passionate about helping family businesses.
Most of the family businesses I work with are profitable and successful, yet too often they are fraught with emotional baggage: resentment, dissatisfaction, unhealthy conflict, etc.
Since this is National Humor Month I thought this topic would fit nicely under the goal of bringing more humor and enjoyment to the family business.
How great would it be if you could create an environment in your family business that not only gave you a tremendous amount of financial reward and satisfaction, but additionally a great amount of personal happiness and satisfaction?
What would have to happen to make that occur for you and your family in the family business?
1. Focus on gratitude
Most successful family business families have a lot to be grateful for. Focusing on gratitude is like any other muscle, it takes time and practice but can be done.
2. Focus on your passion
See if you can find an area in your family business that you’re passionate about. When you can find passion in your business you’ll be well on your way to finding personal happiness and satisfaction.
3. Get creative
Sometimes the solutions take a little bit of creativity to come up with. I worked with a young man whose family was in the furniture business. This was something he was not terribly passionate about, but he helped the company create a vision about helping others which was something he was very passionate about and as it turned out all of the other employees were passionate about as well. The company has found a way to donate some of their profits and employee time to helping others.
4. Shift your mindset
I recently saw a great YouTube video by Dan Gilbert author of Stumbling Upon Happiness who helps people understand they have the ability to create synthetic happiness. Your own personal happiness can be generated by your own perspective and thinking about the situation. Here’s a link to that video that’s very interesting. Click here to view the video.
5. Be relentless in your pursuit of happiness
At the end of the day if these other strategies don’t help you create a higher level of personal satisfaction and happiness in your family business, consider this option — maybe the family business isn’t right for you.
6. Life is short
Don’t spend it at your family business for any of the wrong reasons. Make a commitment to create personal happiness and satisfaction in your professional life.
Family Business Coaching System
At Family Business Performance Center we’ve developed and tested a series of simple exercises that will help make sure your family is exploring the critical topics and building the skills that lead to long-term success for your family and your business! The system is designed so it can be tailored to meet your family’s unique circumstances.
Learn more: https://www.familybusinessperformance.com/family-coaching-system