Learning to focus on and build strengths
Many families have a way of focusing on each other’s shortcomings. We use a strengths-based approach to family business coaching. The ultimate success of the family business comes down to the strength of the family.
We teach families how to focus on one another’s strengths and put people in a position to utilize their strengths to the advantage of the family and the business. It’s really cool to watch when we teach the family how to articulate and identify everyone’s strengths.
Turning family values into action
It’s one thing to talk about family values but it’s even more powerful when the family can discuss what it looks like to see the values in action. Like a high-performing sports team or musical group, the family learns how to “review the game film” and talk about what their values look like in day-to-day activities.
This is a wonderful way to instill the family values into the next generation!
Giving the next generation a voice in the room
Too often families are preaching to the next generation or talking down to them. Smart families create an environment in which the next generation can give their opinions on what they’d like to see out of the family business.
One client family’s next generation asked for a more structured and formalized summer internship program. It was great to see the family business create that and then invite the eligible participants to actually come take the summer internship for a test drive the following summer!
Discussing employment expectations and guidelines for next-generation
Successful families get in front of this conversation before it’s too late. It’s awesome to see the family business leaders lay out a clear and reasonable set of expectations for the next generation. In most cases, the next generation embraces the clarity and appreciates having a path to employment in the family business.
Learning to articulate genuine appreciation for each other
We have an exercise that teaches the family how to articulate genuine appreciation for each other. I don’t want to give away the end of the movie too soon, but suffice to say this exercise usually creates a whole new level of appreciation and connection in the family. Even some of our strongest silent type families have to get out the box of Kleenex!
It is our pleasure to help many family businesses by facilitating these summer family retreats. We are committed to making our exercises available FREE to every family. You can “do it yourself” by downloading the free exercises or get a little bit of help as you design your agenda. You can also have us do all of the facilitating.
Get your family retreat planned now… with or without our help. You’ll be amazed how much stronger and well connected your current and future family business team will be!
Coach Pete
Pete Walsh offers family business consulting services, workshops, tools and resources as the founder of the Family Business Performance Center. Subscribe to his newsletter or get in touch to get actionable insights to help your family business grow for generations to come.