Remember – trying to find happiness and success in a family business is a huge long shot. I’m not saying it can’t happen. I’m saying the people who find happiness work hard at it.
Here are some of the things they do:
They don’t try to do it alone
I don’t try to fix my golf swing myself. At some point I realized I wasn’t getting any better trying my own self-coaching. I found good, outside teachers who could see some of the flaws that I was missing. Smart family business owners surround themselves with trusted advisors who have more objectivity and good ideas for moving the family forward.
Stubborn, “old school” leaders continue to keep trying to convince people that they know the right answers, even though their old ways of working are producing diminishing results.
They never stop learning
The best performers are always gathering new information and integrating it into what they’re doing, i.e. new books, podcasts, videos – you get the idea. Now, more than ever, there is an unlimited source of new information to help you.
They integrate the learning
Getting lots of new ideas is important. What is even more important, is taking one, two or three of the ideas and actually integrating them into your work routine.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking just because you read 50 new ideas you’re better off. My point is, you need to pick one or two and begin to practice them.
They keep challenging themselves and their team
The best leaders keep not only pushing their team, they keep pushing themselves. They never allow themselves to be complacent or think that they have it all figured out. Great leaders are willing to challenge some of their most fundamental assumptions. They are also open to allowing their team and their key stakeholders to challenge them.
They realize the journey is almost as important as the end result
Of course having a great family business and a great family is a wonderful result. Don’t forget the process of improvement, dealing with difficult situations, and getting stronger is an important result on its own.
They know how to have some fun
At the end of the day, you’ve got to learn to laugh at yourself and laugh at your situation. Laughter really is the best medicine.
Try not to take yourself or your situation too seriously. When we can learn to laugh, we can create the right atmosphere and mindset that makes us open to new ideas and new ways of learning things.
Speaking of having some fun, you realize I’m like a Labrador Retriever that loves fetching the ball. Call me or email me anytime and I’ll be glad to hear a little bit about your family and give you an idea or two as my gift. You’ll help me to have some fun and do what I do best.
Play to your potential!
Coach Pete
Pete Walsh offers family business consulting services, workshops, tools and resources as the founder of the Family Business Performance Center. Subscribe to his newsletter or get in touch to get actionable insights to help your family business grow for generations to come.