I’ve been getting together with my cousins and extended family on or around Christmas my whole life. I think it’s an important tradition that every family should sustain.
Unfortunately, I hear people say they stopped getting together with the larger family due to conflict and/or personality clashes that have come up over the years. We all know this election year alone could disintegrate many families if they aren’t careful!
Here’s my 5 reasons to stay connected:
To Honor and Remember our Ancestors
I’ve always been a student of family history and history in general. I think it’s important for us to remember our grandparents and the origins of our family. By getting together and rekindling the family stories it allows us an opportunity to pass those stories on to the younger members of the family.
To Set an Example for the Younger Generation
When the older generations can set aside their differences they are setting a good example for the younger generations to do the same. When an uncle has an issue with the family and refuses to attend, of course that makes it incredibly difficult for uncle’s kids to not show support and stay away too. The reverse of all that happens when everyone attends.
To Model Forgiveness and Non-Judgement
People will disappoint you if you let them. Mistakes happen. Things get said that hurt others. Being willing to forgive and rebuild trust is a muscle worth building. Practicing being non-judgmental is another great trait to model for the family.
To Set an Example for the World
I so often wonder… if families can’t learn to get along and see the big picture what possible chance do we have as a world. Here’s a group of people who come from the same ancestors and can’t even be together — how can people from other cultures and countries?
Be a Leader – See Family Unity as a Model for Global Unity
This holiday lean into the family gathering. Be a leader, model a warm heart and open mind even in the face of people who might annoy you at times. Your family and the world will be a better place! I’ll be with my cousins!