Is your brothers grudging acceptance of management decisions causing productivity to slow? Understanding the power of attitudes training in your small business could solve this problem.
Let’s take a look back to the turn of the century. Employees learned to check their brains at the door if they wanted to advance at work. They were encouraged to just do as the manager dictated and not think out of the box. However, this no longer works in today’s family business.
With the complexities of today’s multi-technological work environment, employees, aka family members can help the family business by checking their bad attitudes and using their brains to think outside the box. No more robots punching the clock and never asking questions. Family members must use self reliance on their EQ (emotional quotient). In order to develop emotional intelligence, you need to control your attitude.
You may be wondering what attitude is. It is a disposition, demeanor or a manner of doing things. It is the underlying reason for our behavior. Further, it is the feeling and importance we put into our actions and defines who we are and what we do. Compare a good attitude with a bad attitude. The good attitude is caring, positive and upbeat. While the bad attitude is uncaring, rude and negative. A bad attitude can be infectious to the entire family business and drive away other employees and more importantly customers.
How do we change the attitudes of family members and other employees? A training program on attitudes is a perfect solution. The right training program can help foster a more positive work environment for all family members, increase morale, improve performance and productivity and place family members in the frame of mind necessary to be successful.
In part 2 of this article, I will discuss what you should look for in a training program.