Coaching inspires higher performance, individual and team accountability, and humility. When your family can embrace those ideas, they will have taken a giant step toward being a strong, healthy, and sustainable team.
The first step is for everyone to check their ego at the door and be open to the fact that they don’t have all the answers. Humility begins to tear the walls down and gives everyone permission to be open and honest about their concerns, as well as their hopes and desires. Family leaders who can set this example set up the whole family for success.
Every great team learns how to hold one another accountable. It can be uncomfortable at first, but it is such a vital element to long-term success. Enabling bad behavior or overlooking poor performance will eventually erode team trust, morale and respect. Remember, you want to “critique the performance, not the performer.” In other words, it shouldn’t be a personal attack, it should be feedback to improve results.
Lets face it, no business remains viable and profitable without performance. Performance will ebb and flow as market conditions change and players abilities change. Coaching sets a backdrop of constantly keeping performance in the forefront of everyone’s mind – in a positive way.
Practice and Repetition
How do you develop a coaching mindset in your family? Practice over and over again. I’ve watched families who have slowly and methodically reinforced these concepts with their family over time. The results will come. Be patient and be committed to the process and you will be amazed what happens with your family. Don’t be shy about it – be a leader!
Play to your potential!
Coach Pete
Pete Walsh offers family business consulting services, workshops, tools and resources as the founder of the Family Business Performance Center. Subscribe to his newsletter or get in touch to get actionable insights to help your family business grow for generations to come.