We need to keep learning from history. We need to keep learning if we are going to evolve and become a better version of ourselves and create a better world for our kids and grand kids. It is our responsibility.
There are many lessons to be learned from Pearl Harbor, I’m sure. One of the most important lessons I focus on is learning to be resilient and learning to take life’s challenges as a means to find out what I’m made of.
Americans showed what they were made of after Pearl Harbor. They showed that they were strong, courageous and determined. They showed that they were not going to be intimidated or shrink in the face of adversity.
One of the news shows I was watching said Pearl Harbor thrust the U.S. into becoming a world leader. Some of your most challenging moments could be your opportunity to become a leader, to find your determination and courage.
Franklin D. Roosevelt helped focus the nation with his speech. He purposefully kept it short – seven minutes total. He came up with the phrase “a day that will live in infamy” – words that transformed his presidency and his legacy.
As leaders in our businesses, our homes and our communities, we should all be thoughtful and realize the importance and potential impact of our words. Of course we aren’t the President making a speech to be heard around the world, but with this thing called the internet our words can spread and be heard quickly and in far off places.
Don’t allow fear to stop you. Everyone is afraid at times. Courage is the ability to take action in the face of fear. Be a leader. Be resilient. See your challenges and the challenges of the nation and world as your opportunity to find out what you are made of.
I have a picture of my Uncle Richard Walsh on my mantle at home. He gave his life for our country in the Pacific in World War II. I keep his picture in view to remember that I am here and have the opportunities I have because of his sacrifice.
Let’s always remember Pearl Harbor and remember to be leaders. It’s our responsibility.