Try this on. Be personable. It’s that simple. Like any skill, it takes practice and a commitment to make it happen.
In case you haven’t noticed, there is a higher than normal amount of stress and anxiety in this modern, social media-driven, polarized world.
One thing that would help everyone would be if we could be more personable with each other. Energy is contagious. When you act more personable, it automatically helps others do the same.
Being personable doesn’t have to mean you agree with everything the other people are saying or doing. What it does mean is that you have the emotional maturity and control to behave in a way that is decent and humane.
I’ve noticed that families and teams develop a personality that is a reflection of the strongest personalities in the room. When leaders model being personable, it can spread throughout the whole locker room.
When we learn to be personable, we will learn to be more collaborative, open-minded, and better listeners. We might even find out that the other people in the group have a few good ideas and are decent human beings after all.
Your body keeps score. Being personable might actually lead to less tension, anxiety, and anger in your own being and may lead to better health and happiness.
Make a commitment to being personable! Here’s a short video where I say a bit more that might be helpful.
Play to your potential!
Coach Pete
Pete Walsh offers family business consulting services, workshops, tools and resources as the founder of the Family Business Performance Center. Subscribe to his newsletter or get in touch to get actionable insights to help your family business grow for generations to come.