Possibly, only a handful of family businesses worldwide have family members with little or no stress. Having stress on the job is commonplace and expected. There are many different personalities along with just as many job responsibilities and pressures in a business environment. Sometimes, however, these different personalities don’t see eye to eye and the […]
Managing a Family Business: Building Positive Relationships
If you are business manager, chances are that you are aware that employer-employee relationships are essential for any well-run business. When the employees are also family members, it is even more critical to be sure this relationship is positive. Being aware of this is wonderful, but having a policy and procedure in place to continue […]
Family Business Communication: Listening
As a family business manager, ensuring open lines of communication is crucial in your family business. Poor communication can be the cause of many conflicts in any business. Listening is among the most crucial skills that you can learn to improve family business relationships. If you are able to really stop and listen to your […]
5 Tips for a Positive Mindset in Family Business
Family business leaders spend more than one-third of their life at work. If you’re spending it with negative individuals or family members, it may really affect you and your emotional well being. This is a major challenge in family business. By arresting negative thoughts as they enter your ears and not letting them go forward […]
Overcoming Performance Stress in the Family Business
Performance stress is one of the most common sources of stress in the workplace. Many companies constantly hold their employees to a given set of standards. The amount of pressure to meet or exceed these company standards can lead one to question his or her abilities on a given task. There’s always this feeling of […]