Coach Pete describes the best plays he finds in the family business world. Edition 2. A dose of business coaching from Family Business Performance Center.
Family Business Deliberate Practice: Well-designed family meetings the key to building a winning family business team
At the Family Business Performance Center, we think of business as a competitive sport. When you think of great sports dynasties I can assure you they have a well-thought-out plan for bringing their teams together and creating a winning game plan. One of the most common family business challenges is creating a strong and cohesive family […]
Coach’s Tough Love – embrace change if you want the family business to survive!
Change is difficult. We’re creatures of habit. Especially in a family business where the business has enjoyed a high level of success for many years. Unfortunately past success isn’t a predictor of future success. In fact we know the statistics that only one out of three family businesses will make it successfully into the next generation. For family […]
The Face of Future Family Business Leaders
Maintaining harmonious employee relations, planning for the future, and instituting leadership development programs are a vital part of any successful business plan. When the employees are related, however, and the pool of future leaders share names and relationships, transitioning to a new structure may be difficult. Rivalry can exist between “shirt-tail relatives” just as easily as between […]