Most families resist having outsiders. I get it. Our family was no different.
Yet, an experienced, talented family advisor can provide much-needed objectivity. We all know how hard it can be to step out of our situation and have an unbiased view.
In our work with families, so many times there are differences of opinions about business strategies, work performance or interpersonal conflict.
It makes it even more difficult to try to have a calm, rational conversation when the other person has a fixed mindset or a certain way of listening to you.
As coaches, our training is all about teaching others how to be more self-aware and better communicators. The coach’s role is to help everyone learn how to step back and be better listeners. We also help to develop a more compassionate and supportive mindset.
Let’s face it – family business can be challenging and is fraught with many opportunities for conflict.
Wouldn’t it be nice if your family could learn to have calm, rational discussions about the issues and walk away feeling genuinely heard?
There aren’t any easy answers for so many of the challenges. A goal should be to be able to learn how to calmly explore the issues. That’s when a trained facilitator or coach can help keep the discussion rational, on track, and moving toward productive outcomes.
Good luck and “Play to your potential!”
Coach Pete
Pete Walsh offers family business consulting services, workshops, tools and resources as the founder of the Family Business Performance Center. Subscribe to his newsletter or get in touch to get actionable insights to help your family business grow for generations to come.
This exercise and many more are in my Family Business Playbook to help your family win!