Learning to use sound judgement is like most other qualities of great leaders and successful people — it comes with thoughtfulness, discipline and practice. As family leaders it’s your job to create the right learning environment for your family. Here are four simple steps: Model the Behavior The family is always watching its leaders. Opportunities […]
Resolving Family Business Conflict
Conflict is inevitable in every business. In a family-owned business personal and professional relationships can manifest in unique conflicts. Those conflicts that hold a family business back, when addressed, put not only the business, but family relationships on a healthy track.
Landmine: Dad’s Gone – Mom has to be the Chairman
In April 2010, I was introduced to Ron Harper, the patriarch of a very successful Aerospace manufacturing business. Ron wanted help developing his sons and daughter as he prepared for his eventual retirement from the business. Great Dads Realize The Necessity of Future Leaders Ron was one one of the brightest visionaries I had met […]
Sibling Rivalry Can be a Fatal Landmine to a Family Business
The realities of, and tools for dealing with, the challenges that sibling rivalry can create in a family business.
Family Business Success Requires Resilience
If you want to be a Hall of Fame business owner you need to strengthen your resilience. Check out 6 concrete ways to build your personal resilience and be ready for all the challenges that are a part of business. 6 concrete ways to build your personal resilience and be ready for all the challenges that are a part of business. Being a part of a family business can even more challenging and require even more focus on being able to bounce back from challenges and disappointments.
9 Practical Steps to Love Your Job in Your Family Business
Everyone can find themselves getting bored or frustrated with their job. For many people in a family run business the problem can seem even more insurmountable. Here are some proven steps you can take to improve you job satisfaction!