Find out Coach’s secret recipe for helping you still love your family members even if you have challenges with each other in your family owned business. Life’s too short to be suffering in your business.
Resolving Family Business Conflict
Conflict is inevitable in every business. In a family-owned business personal and professional relationships can manifest in unique conflicts. Those conflicts that hold a family business back, when addressed, put not only the business, but family relationships on a healthy track.
5 Reasons You Need to Embrace Conflict in Your Family Business
Here’s 5 ways you can start looking at conflict today and build a strong family business team!
5 Reasons to Stay Connected to Extended Family During the Holidays
Regularly getting together with extended family members is a tradition that every family with or without a business) should sustain. Here’s why.
Here’s 7 Really Special, Memorable & Inexpensive Gifts You Can Give Your Family & Friends this Year
Seven gifts that I think have a chance to really have a positive impact on your recipients this holiday season.
Why You Need to Learn to Look for What’s Good About a Situation
Most managers and leaders spend the majority of their energy identifying, discussing and dissecting issues. Leaders need to be good at solving problems but they also need to get good at identifying success.